
Friday, May 31, 2013

Knock Please!!! (You Wake 'Em, You Take 'Em)

So I just love when you finally get your kiddo down, (can't call her a baby since she's almost 2 1/2.. so I've been told) and then someone comes and WHAMMS on the door or, better yet, rings the door bell 8 times.

Well this happened to me last week as I ordered some boxes for shipping CD's. The mailman came up to the door, "just to see if someone was home," and rang the door bell, I kid you not, 4 times repeatedly. When I answered the door, he said, "ok great. You're home. I'll be right back. I didn't want to carry the box if no one was here." !!!!!

So anyways, as a problem solver, ;), I decided to figure out a way to let people know that, in this house, we are nappers. I scoured the internet, as I love to do. Searching through Pinterest,,

Finally! I found something that I thought was cute and direct. :) (I like to think that's how I am ;))

Anywho... So here's what I came up with!

So here we go!
This is what you need:
A piece of wood
One-sided laminated clear sheet
Paint (If wanted)

First I painted my piece of wood, a cheap piece from hobby lobby, with some leftover spray paint from when I made the B for my wreath.

Once you have your wood ready and your laminating sheet, get on your computer and CREATE!
I saw a bunch of cute ideas for what to have the sign say, but I went with a simple
"No Soliciting  
Shh.. It's Nap Time
Please Knock Softly
If there is no answer we're not here"
 I dropped the last line when I finished it, mainly because my hand hurt ;)

 So print it out on regular paper. Then using your sharpie, trace it onto your laminating sheet. (for this step I used candles under a glass table to make a transparency table... see crafty;)

Once you've got that done, (This is the easy part) remove the backing to the laminating sheet and place onto your piece of wood. If you need to, smooth it out with a business card or credit card.

Now take a knife and trim around the edges. This part can be dangerous... use precautions please!


In other news..... I GOT A NEW LENSE!!!! I'm so excited! I am amazed at the clarity it gives! It's a 50mm f 1.4 from Cannon. LOVE IT!!!

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