
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Just Let it Happen!

Sometimes in life we just have to let kids be kids and let problem work themselves out. This was my mood and epiphany yesterday.
After a hectic morning, I decided that after naptime my daughter would get to just be herself. I set up her painting station outside, filled her paint containers, set out paint brushes, and let her at it! I didn't even get my camera out quick enough to take before pictures before she got started!

I think today we will do it again because she had so much fun! I'm convinced that since I'm staying at home, and she's not in daycare, it's up to me to make sure that she keeps up with the other kids.
Luckily, my church, which is where I work out, has child-care. This way she is able to have some kind of structure, other than what I provide, 3 days a week for about 1 1/2 hrs per day.
I figure the other days we can focus on getting out, going to the zoo, gardens, and even downtown for the toddler events!
I strongly suggest that everyone check out their local venues. I'm sure it's not just Houston! Although, in Houston, there is Discovery Green that has events for people of all ages almost every day! They have toddler tuesdays, yoga, Zumba, movies, art shows, flea markets, and so much more....
Oh, before I forget... When I thought we were winding down yesterday, I turned around to take pictures of the scenery and when I turned around, this is what I saw:


On a side note, back to what I said earlier about letting things just happen. I can to this when realizing that since everything happens for a reason, that if we step back and let ourselves look past right now, we can start to see how things might change depending on what happens.

In my case, we've been having an extremely hard time getting pregnant. I was getting so frustrated because it seemed as thought everyone around me is getting pregnant, whether they were trying or not.

I realized yesterday that though it sucks right now, I would be going crazy trying to get thee house ready to sell with a newborn. And if we do end up moving soon, we have to buy a new truck in December for the hubby, so it would be a stretch to do all of that with baby bills.

So right now, I'm at peace with it. It still sucks, and I still don't really want to be around other pregnant people if I don't have to because it reminds me of not being pregnant. But I don't want to start a pity party. I need to keep my head up. I need to remember that life goes on and things happen for a reason.

Anyways, Let's keep our heads up!

Happy Hump Day! My the rest of the week only get better!

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