
Friday, May 10, 2013

Hold On Tight.. Or Should I?

I'm sitting here watching my dogs as I get ready for bed. One is sleeping on his bone and the other is sleeping on a pillow. Both dogs are sleeping on something they are wanting to keep for themselves. The funny thing to me is that the one who sleeps on the bone doesnt want the pillow and vis versa. So even if they weren't sleeping on it, it would be safe.

Don't we do that too? Don't we so often hold on to things so tight because we're scared to loose them, even though if we actually take a step back, we realize God is keeping "it" and us under his protection?

The issue, at least for me, is that so often we think, "God doesn't care about___" or "God lets bad things happen to good people so I should keep ___ under MY control." We think that because God's plan may be different that our plan that we aren't safe. We think that our plan is it and any deviation is going to be a failure.

The truth is that God's plan is perfect. His plan is the right plan. Keeping our things, people we love, cares and even worries so close to us isn't going to "save" them. On the contrary, it shows God that we care mote about ______ than we do about him. And that is where our God shows his love to us, sometimes by taking those things away.

What? God shows his love to us through the things we cherish? By taking them away? By causing us pain?

Well as I have had to learn, especially recently, yes and no. Yes God can take things away from us and let us go through tough times. But no, because the reason we feel pain in the way we do is because we put more care and weight into things, a lot of times, and even people, than we do with God.

Think about it this way, if someone took away your dog, you would be really upset, right? You might call the police. You might cry a few days. You might even have people help you find him.

Imagine, if you will, if someone told you you couldn't pray, go to church, read your bible or talk with other believers. Would you be sad? Would you care? Would you try as hard as you could, risking your life, to be able to still pray?

This is just a thought. Just something that I challenge myself with. What do you care most about? Will those things last? Are they eternal? Are they even good for you?

To put it in more practical terms, if there is something you ate praying about/for, if God's answer is "No", will that effect your faith? Will you stop praying? Will you continue, thinking you might change his mind?

I know it's hard to know sometimes when God tells us "No", as opposed to "Wait." But sometimes you can tell. Sometimes its very clear.

I challenge us to open our spiritual ears, to listen closely. Don't focus on you and your wants. Focus on God's plan for you. Pray for his will, not yours.

It may not be what you would "hold in your sleep," but I promise it will be better in the end.

My prayer tonight:
God, please take my cares and my worries. I know your plan is best and your will always happens. Please help me to cherish what I have, but know that it's all yours. Guide me in what you would have me do. Please let all that I do and am be glorifying to you.


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