
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dogs Can Teach??

I never thought my dogs could teach me anything, much less something about my relationship with God. Well today, they taught me something that seemed so obvious. Sure I could have learned this from looking at adults, or children, or really any living thing, but today I learned it from my dogs.

They are so competitive, yet the older one is more dominant. The younger dog is bigger, but lets the older dog boss him around for the most part.

So what's this lesson??

I walked outside and pet the younger one, he heard the older dog coming up behind him, still several feet away, and left my side to go push her away. If he would have stayed by me, I would have kept petting him, but instead he was so worried about her getting in on the petting that he left on his own to make sure she couldn't get any.

Don't we do this with God? I know I do! God is wanting to teach us something, to love us, to care for us and to bless us, but we are so busy looking at what other people have, how other people are living, and how other people are being blessed that we forget to just stay by God's side!

If we would just stay focused on him, then maybe we wouldn't be so focused on what we don't have or what others do have.

So today I don't have a recipe or a cute craft, just this epiphany, if you will.

Just a simple lesson that I learned from these two cheeseballs!

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