
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Adventures Never End: Blue Bell Day Trip

As I mentioned yesterday,  my dear friends and I decided to take the kids to the Blue Bell Icecream Creamery.

The day started off pretty normal. We all got together at the agreed upon time and loaded up my friend's van. As we are about to leave, wouldn't you know it, one 2 year old bites the other 2 year old. Then we try for almost five minutes to figure out how to get my ginormous wagon in the car, though eventually we left it behind.

But that couldn't stop us!

So we took off, on our first big day roadtrip together.

About 30 minutes down the road, my friend's newborn got hungry, so we pulled over at a gas station.  As we went to leave again, my friend noticed her check engine light was on and the van was overheating!!

So once again, 5 minutes later, we pulled over.  I got my phone out to Google how to fix an overheated car, both other girls called their husbands.  Looking "like lost city girls", an animal control man pulled over to help us. I wish ee had gotten his name because he was just the nicest man, taking pitty, and poking a little, well deserved, fun at us. So with his help, we were once again on our way.

After that we only had one more potty break until we finally made it!!

Once there... yeah you thought that was it! 

Once there, we rushed to get tickets for the next available tour. We had arrived at 11:30 and the next available tour was at 11:55 . Thinking we had enough time, we decided to have a picnic. Well, needless to say, we were late for the tour. They have left just a few minutes before we got there. Thankfully there were spots on the next tour, so we were able to go on that one.

The rest of the day was a blast. Nothing too exciting happened thankfully.
Here's some of the fun!

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