
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

7 Weeks of Travel, A Wedding, and We're Still Going

This summer has just been insane! We have been traveling just about every weekend, whether to Austin, 3 hours away, Louisiana, 2 hours away, or North Carolina, a nice 3.5 hr plane ride away, and it's been oh so ever eventful.

The first few weekends were to birthday parties, baby showers, our anniversary getaway (just one night), and traveling in town with my parents for Labor Day weekend. The thing that sticks out the most from those weekends has to be when my mom and I went to my sister-in-law's baby shower while the guys too the kids to the circus. On the way there, my daughter got really upset at her stuffed Minnie Mouse, which by the way is about her size. She was yelling at it, so my husband asked her what was wrong. She looks at him and says, "she's not listening to me!" So he asked her if she needed to have a talk with her Minnie, to which she shook her head yes. She proceeded to say "One, Two, do I need to get to three!" Then she turned Minnie over on her knee and said, "I'm gonna bonk you!" The funniest part, though, is when she started spanking Minnie!

This past weekend, we traveled up to North Carolina for my dear cousin's wedding. This was a family reunion mixed with a whole lot of love for the couple we were celebrating. The wedding, which had a Rapunzel flare to it, was beautiful! Everything was a fairytale for these two love birds. The cousin that got married is very dear to my heart, as we had spent many hours throughout the years talking about everything under the sun. I have probably shared with him more things than most people, not to mention I've probably gone shopping with him more than my girl cousins!

Anyways, so we've survived all this traveling, mainly to be able to say we did it. Of course throughout this time we have had a bunch of hurdles thrown our way in our personal lives, so sometimes it was good to have a distraction.

As I'm typing this now, I look around my house at bags half unpacked, still left over from our trip last weekend. A few hours away, my parents are with my sister-in-law and my brother as they welcome their 2nd son into their lives. Of course, over here, my daughter is no doubt wreaking havoc on the upstairs of our house, as she is just waking up from her nap, for which she skipped lunch voluntarily.

Needless to say, my life is a little crazy right now.

One thing that I have found that has saved my sanity in all this craziness, has been Romans 12:12. I shared it with a friend this morning, as she has been going through similar dramas in her life as I have in mine.

Here is what it says:
Be joyful in Hope, Patient in Affliction, Faithful in Prayer.

God please bless all those who are in need of you today. Please give me comfort in knowing that you have a plan, even though I can't see it now. I pray that you give me Peace as I wait on your answer, that I might not be anxious. Please help me to fully trust in your promise that you know what's best. Please be with all those that are longing for a child today, as they watch other's bringing new life into this world. God show me you are here and that you hear me today.


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