
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Loving what you have, being thankful for what you don't.

As I reflect on what the new reality is for a friend, who just gave birth to a beautiful child who was born with complications, I was reminded that everything happens for a reason and with a purpose.

I was reminded today,  or rather told, that everyone is born "with a purpose at an appointed time." Not only is every child born exactly when and where they are meant to, but it reminds me that this is also true for me.

As I have dealt with depression and anxiety issues for years, I often wondered "why me?" I often wondered if I was adopted, though I'm the spitting  image of my mother, with my father's health and personality. I couldn't understand why I was made the way I was, because I always felt like I fell short.

But as I was reminded today, I was created specifically how I am, specifically when I was, for my specific situation.

So was everyone who is on this earth,

Of course, going through what our family is dealing with, I am reminded that Abby is exactly who she is meant to be, and was born exactly when she was meant to be. Same goes for any children we may have in the future.

My challenge to us all is to view everyone, yes even the annoying person infront of us at Starbucks,  as a beautiful,  purposeful,  God intended and created person.

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