
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Selling Our House Pt 1

Well at least I hope there is a part two ;) Here's to praying for a speedy sale!

We finally, after months of debating if we should or not, met with our realtor and signed all the paperwork!

Of course before that, we de-cluttered the whole house. Thankfully we were able to store A BUNCH of stuff at my in-laws house, so now we are left with only what we use every day, so basically just basic furniture and our clothes. (Plus Abby's toys....) I never realized how much clutter we had in the house. I really didn't realize how little of what we have we use on a day-to-day basis. Of course now that the house is empty, well basically, it seems a lot bigger!

Here are just a few of the pictures from the house, post de-clutter, gardening, carpet washing, etc...

So glad we re-did the front! You can actually see the house!

I can't believe that just yesterday, all of our clutter had gathered in this area to be moved!

Yes I still have my fall decorations, well some of them. I just had to keep it feeling "home-y."

Without all of the junk on the counter!... wait what? we have a counter!!

This was probably the most shocking transformation. I would show the before but it's thoroughly embarrassing. ;) Seriously! We have never seen our bedroom look so....well so empty!

Oh... and our bathroom! Goodness! Now I want to take a bath.... if only I didn't have to clean it after ;)

Empty man-cave :(

Abby's room.... I seriously had to kick her out to vacuum it and take a picture really quickly!

Same with the play-room.. ;)

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