
Saturday, September 21, 2013

You're Never Too Old To Sing In The Rain

I just love the song by Gene Kelley, "Singing in the Rain!" To me, it represents the possibility of seeing the sun shining through the dark rainy clouds. It has also been the perfect song for my daughter lately, because it has been raining every day for a while now.

My daughter was never scared of thunder or rain until she saw one of her friends get scared by it. For a while after that she began asking why the thunder was so loud, and why it was scary. In order to comfort her, we told her it was nothing to be afraid of, that God waters the plants and the trees to help them live, and the thunder is one way that we know there is rain.

Enter "Singing In The Rain." We have listened to the original version, along with the version from Glee, in which they mash-up the original and "Umbrella." Needless to say, she absolutely went crazy for both! She loves the idea, as do I, of just going out and getting soaking wet, all the while laughing and singing "in the rain." Now every time she hears thunder, or rain on the windows, she screams, "I want to go singing in the rain!"

This morning when we woke up, it was pouring. I mean "get your boots" and "find the boat" pouring! So we decided that since my husband was finally home with us on a Saturday morning, that we would all go out and dance and play in the rain. In our pajamas, with our neighbors probably thinking we are crazy, we were laughing and dancing in the rain. (Of course my 2 year old was screaming "singing in the rain! singing in the rain!" over and over again!)

It was one of the moments that you just let go. You realize that though you may look crazy to others, you may even look crazy to yourself, you are having a blast. I thought about how I hope that it's moments like these that my kiddo remembers, moments of pure joy and silliness.

Of course after running around the neighborhood, splashing in puddles, kicking street water at each other, we had to take serious showers. Well, in good old fashioned "Never a Dull Moment" style, our dogs ran away while we were having fun. So while my daughter and I showered, my husband got in his truck, while it was still pouring rain out, to search for the dogs. As he hadn't found them yet, after we were done showering, my kiddo and I jumped in my car and joined him in the search. Needless to say, we found the dogs, who, though soaking wet, appeared to be having a grand old time having their own rendition of our shenanigans.

Though life is never predictable, never forget that sometimes, you just need to let loose and go "singing and dancing in the rain!"


  1. What a special memory! Abby is lucky to have parents who let her be silly and joyful, splashing in puddles :)

  2. Thats what happens when it rains with two "kids at heart" and a toddler ;)
