
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Quilt Bag

My dear friends and  I are taking the kids to the Blue Bell Factory tomorrow and thought it would be a great idea to picnic!  Nothing like ice cream, beautiful day, awesome company and good food.

This was my first thought.  Then I remembered why I haven't picniced in so long... I didn't have a picnic quilt!

What do I do? In never a dull moment style, I solved the problem. Probably not the easiest, or cheapest way, but I did it!

That being said, I'll show you how I did it, and how to do it an easier way.

First. . Hehe... my way!

You'll need:
2 yards of fabric (I got 1 yard of 2 different patterns)
2 1/4 yards of quilt batting
2 1/4 yards of duct fabric
Sewing machine

Cut your regular fabric inti 6"x6" squares. Sew the squares into a quilt.

Sew your duct and your batting together. Make sure you sew the edges first then sew in the middle.

Now, sew your quilt and your duct/batting. (Make sure you sew them front to front.)

Make sure you leave a small part open so you can flip the quilt right side out.

I added a ribbon as a border.

Now is when the "Cyndy way" and the easy way coincide. (If you don't want to make a quilt, you can buy one at Walmart.) 

Take your quilt and fold it in thirds, then fold it in thirds again. Take the measurements of your square. Take this measurement and cut a square of fabric this size.
Sew it to the middle bottom of your quilt.

I also added a ribbon to make it a bag and I added a flower to embellish.

Make your own!!!

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