
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Idle Hands are the Devils Playthings..

Well, maybe not the devil, in my case, but definitely mischief!

I have to say life with a two year old is never dull! My kiddo woke up in a bad mood Monday morning, but I thought things would get better once we went to daycare for an hour or so. Not so much!

She didn't want to be dropped off, and when I picked her up her teachers, who have never said she has had anything but a great day, informed me she had a rough time. After hearing this news, I decided to take her home, give her lunch and let her nap off her bad mood.

Sounds simple right!

Once we got home, I let her go upstairs as I put some food in the oven. In the time it took me to go to the restroom and check on the food again, she had successfully emptied a toothpaste in a Tupperware, filled it with water, taken the vapo rub out of the bathroom and mixed it all together. After this concoction was made, she decided to smear it all over herself, her whiteboard easel, her toys, and a few stuffed animals. !!!!

After I got it all cleaned up and fed her, I put her down for a nap. I thought I would restart my batteries by taking a nap as well, to see if we could "start the day over."  As I was in and out of dreamland for the next hour or so, I kept an ear out for any sign of toddler movement from upstairs. I must have dozed off, because, when I opened my eyes, she was standing in front of me.

The first thing she said to me, which should have tipped me off immediately, was that she peed her pants. The problem is that while her skirt was soaking wet, her underwear were dry. !! So I smelled the skirt and it wreaked of Windex. Of course I ran upstairs to see what I could find.

This time, she had decided to empty a Windex bottle on herself, toys, and the carpet. I think she must have figured since I was cleaning up her mess that she would try and be helpful??

Let's just say this was a stressful day!

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