
Monday, April 1, 2013

Restore, Re-Love and Recycle

My husband and I are, well look at the title of the blog. Something always happens. Whether we are just having crazy times, or we need a little sprucing up for our relationship.Let me first tell you that my love language is affirmations.

So anyways, I was watching "Parental Guidance" while getting my nails done with my mom. From what I saw, it's hilarious. One thing I though was interesting though, was the kids had this thing that for every "put down" they had to give 3 "put ups". So I decided to give this a shot with my husband. You know what? It worked!! I can't tell you the improvements already.

At first it was a joke, but now we take it seriously. It makes us think before we say something mean, and it makes us realize if we have said something hurtful. Plus, there's the fact that it makes us constantly thankful for each other and makes us realize what we have.


On a different note, one of my best friends had a girl's night recently where we started the night by her displaying all the things she was giving away to charity. She told us to go through it and pick what we wanted, the rest she would give to our church's charity.

I kept thinking what a great idea this was! Well apparently it's a common idea. It's a new type of "Upcycling" that is sweeping our culture.

And I LOVE the idea.

So I went home and started cleaning. We've been thinking of selling our house in the near future, so I need to get the house uncluttered. This "Upcycling" gave me the push I needed. I started going through my house, bagging and boxing everything we didn't need, didn't use and didn't like. Oh my! I had no idea how much junk I had!

So here are some rules that I've come up with to help de-clutter:
-If you have more than one, pick your favorite, bag the rest
-If you haven't worn/used it in more than a year, bag it
-If you hate it, but are keeping it because someone gave it to you, unless it's something your grandma made and she asks about it, bag it
-Don't know what it is? Bag it

One thing I will say, is get your hubby in on the cleaning, because this will cause a lot of grief if you toss all their stuff. Trust me, been there, learned that!

So now you have either one ginormous bag, or lots of little bags. Now it's time to have your friends over. I've seen a lot of instances where the host will invite others to bring their stuff too.

Send out the E-Vite! Make an event on Facebook! Invite everyone!

There is only one rule: What goes out NEVER comes back!

Have fun!

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