
Sunday, March 24, 2013

The I Word

I find that anytime someone says "the_word", people perk up and listen.

This time, I'm talkin about infertility. It's not a fun subject, nor do people want to talk about it. For many women, infertility makes them feel like they aren't able to fulfill their purpoae on this earth. Some women don't want children, but for those who do, infertility can send chills down their entire being.

My husband and I have a beautiful 2 year old daughter. I always wanted a house full of children. When our daughter turned 1, in Feb 2012, I started thinking of trying for another baby. By August, we had her moved in to her "big girl" room, just waiting to get a positive pregnancy test. That October we started officially trying.

Months came and went, with no positive results. We tried all kinds of methods. We tried theories and methods that seemed logical at first, then we started the crazy sounding. Needless to say, nothing worked. After 6 months, my husband and I both went to fertility specialists. My husband checked out fine, but my doctor was less enthusiastic.

For years, I have thought I had endometriosis. My mother had it, and I had all the symptoms before I had my daughter. Pregnancy is known to lessen the symptoms, which I thought explained the lessening of symptoms. Doctors started telling me that I couldn't have it because they haven't discovered it with surgery.

Needless to say, they found a cyst on one of my ovaries. I recently discovered that my mother, who has endometriosis, was only diagnosed when doctors had found a cyst on her ovaries. As for now, I have changed my diet and scheduled a battery of tests.

We are still trying. I pray everyday that God would allow us to have a baby. We have also started considering adoption, although with its incredible cost, we will have to hold off on adoption if it is our only choice.

Things don't go as you hope. Please remember that. I see countless couples waiting until they feel they are "ready" to try to have children. Just remember that you aren't promised tomorrow and you never know how long things will take.

Best of wishes to all trying to conceive.


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