
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Family Adventures

We were trying to find a way to spend time together as a family where our kiddo could actually enjoy herself and we could too. Enter San Antonio!

We decided to book a hotel... well I say hotel because that's what I meant to book.. hehe. Anywho, it ended up being a motel, which I was less than thrilled about, but one thing can't ruin one of our vacations.;)

We all LOVED Sea World! The first couple days we just stayed in the Sea World side, but then, on the last day, we decided to venture into the water park!!

Needless to say, the entire trip was amazing. We all had a blast and are definitely going back again!

For the never a dull moment part... lol... scroll down ;)

Ok.. so never a dull moment.. hehe...
So my kiddo had been working on staying dry at night, but needless to say being in a strange and on an air matress, she ended up peeing her bed twice in one night! So the next morning, with two sets of peed linens in hand, my hubby went to a laundramat. But it doesn't end!  My hubby walks into this laundramat, no experience So he sees detergent on every machine, so he thinks its free for his use. hehe. so he starts to pour, and the lady that works there comes screaming out saying it's not for him, not to use it. hehe... so he goes and buys his own soap and loads everything up. He cranked up the machine, but not all the way. lol... he sat there for 10 minutes just watching it, wondering why nothing was happening.  Finally the lady comes by and tells him its not turned all the way. After she fixed it he ended up telling her about why he was there.

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