Thankfully, I was able, through random google searches, other wise moms, and pinterest, to find lots of fun and free, or cheap, things to do as a stay at home mom. In fact, I kept so busy that I often joke that I am actually a "stay-out-of-the-home mom." ;)
Without further ado, here are some of the things/places I've found:
-Zoo: They have a splash pad that is great for hot summer days (you need a membership, but it's cheap and if you use it, it more than pays for itself quickly)
-Children's Museum (you can get a membership...or... you can get a FREE library card and do "flip kits" and get FREE passes)
-Flip Kits from Houston Public Library: these are fun books with coordinating activities/crafts, plus you get a free 4 pass to Children's Museum when you complete the survey.
-Toddler Tuesday at Discovery Green: FREE event for little ones through preschoolers. They do storytime, a craft, and usually have characters and other activities.
-Scavenger hunt downtown: you can find lists online... just google ;)
-Houston Mom's Blog activities
- Museums:
-These are always FREE:
-Asia Society Texas Center (all spaces except Louisa Stude Sarofim Gallery)
-Contemporary Arts Museum.
-HoustonDiverseWorks (Gallery Space)
-Houston Center for Contemporary Craft
-Houston Center for Photography
-The Jung Center
-Lawndale Art Center
-The Menil Collection
-Rice University Art Gallery
-Rothko Chapel
- These museums are FREE certain times:
-Buffalo Soldiers National Museum – FREE Thursday 1-5pm
-Children’s Museum of Houston – FREE Thursday 5-8pm
-Czech Center Museum Houston – FREE last Monday of the month 12-4pm
-The Health Museum – FREE Thursday 2-7pm
-Holocaust Museum Houston – FREE Thursday 2-5pm
-Houston Museum of African American Culture – FREE Thursday 6-8pm
-Houston Museum of Natural Science – Permanent Exhibit Halls FREE Thursday 3-6pm
-The Houston Zoo offers free admission to guests on the first Tuesday of each month, September through May, from 12:00 p.m. until closing.
-The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston – FREE Thursday 10am–9pm
Also, one thing I learned to love and use often was Groupon. They often have great deals at local play places, like Stomping Grounds and Pump It Up.
There are so many more, but this post would never end. The best advice I was given was "Get out there!" If you want to get out with your kiddos, just do it. Go to a park and have a picnic, or find some ducks to feed. Make a friend with a community, or backyard, pool and have pool days.
Whatever you do, have fun and love on your baby(ies