
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Mother's Day DIY

Guys! I am so proud of myself on this one. This has been, by far,

my favorite DIY project.

I was looking for something cool and special for my mom, mother-in-law and my sister-in-law this year. We already got my mom something else, all the kids together, but since it wont be in before I see her, I wanted to get her something she could have right away.

After searching around on my beloved Pinterest, ;), I decided on personalized casserole dishes. I know whenever I see someone bring personalized dishes to a party, I always think, "Oh, how fancy!"

Well, anyways, here's how to do it!

-vinyl (or contact paper)
-a die cutting machine (or an exacto knife)
-some Amour Etch
-a paint brush
-some glass dishware
-Gloves (You're dealing with acid, safety 1st)

Start by deciding what you want etched on your glass, I chose last names. Open up your die cut machine software, I have a Silhouette, and design your design and cut!
(If you are using an exacto knife to cut, just make sure that you don't cut all the way through, you want to be able to peel back only the vinyl)

After your have your vinyl, stick it to your glass, making sure there aren't any air bubbles. 
***Seriously, get all the air bubbles out! The Armour Etch is acid. It will etch any glass that it touches***

(I used a stool to keep my dish "up" so that I could work on it easily. You want to make sure that, however you are holding your dish up, the Armour Etch wont spill while it's drying)

Now get your gloves on and "paint on" your Armour Etch with your paint brush. You want to put on a nice coat, but doesn't have to be crazy thick. Your just want to make sure that you properly cover the area you want etched.

Wait about 10 minutes, then wipe the majority off with a paper towel. After you've gotten the majority wiped away, run the area under water and gently rub. Now, take the viynl off and properly wash your dish, TWICE, with soap.

Dry and Enjoy!